Trauma is an extremely common human experience. Most people will live through a traumatic event in their lifetime, and the mental health impacts of such events can be debilitating. Big Feels Lab offers trainings to organizations who want to ensure that their policies are aligned with the principles of Trauma-Informed Care.

When organizations lack training in Trauma-Informed Care, their employees may experience:

  • Burnout

  • Lack of Motivation or Investment

  • Feeling Unappreciated or Unsafe at Work

  • Poor Communication Among Staff

and their clients may experience:

  • Microaggressions (Related to Race, Gender, Ability Status, or Other Identity Features)

  • Re-triggering of Past Traumas

  • Distrust of Organization and Its Staff

  • Problematic Power Imbalances

Whether you want to create a safer company culture, reevaluate your organization’s mission, or update practices for engaging with clients, this training will help prepare you to make more trauma-informed decisions both internally and externally.

All trainings are developed and led by licensed mental health therapists who specialize in Trauma-Informed Care. Often scheduled as a Lunch and Learn, this 90 minute training will incorporate an overview of concepts, discussion questions for the group, and time for Q&A. Limited to 30 participants.


Have you had an experience with a healthcare provider, nonprofit, or other organization that left you feeling uncomfortable, disrespected, or like your opinion about matters that impact you wasn’t taken into account? If so, you can anonymously nominate an organization or healthcare provider to receive our training on Trauma-Informed Care by submitting their information below.